Individual Self-Fulfillment

 Individual Self-Fulfillment; aka Self- Actualization

Free speech is something important for every individual on earth. It enables people to express themselves, and with that create their own identity. This allows for many things like a sense of community with people who are similar to you, diversity to people who are not similar to you and obviously self growth. Freedom of speech 'becomes an aspect of human dignity, human agency and autonomy.'

The idea of freedom of speech is important because it allows society to develop and progress. People feeling proud to openly state their ideas and opinions are essential to spark a change in society and then soon, around the globe.

Free Speech History Podcast - FIRE

The image above is a powerful one. Each individual hand is holding a type of form to get across someones thoughts and opinions. Freedom of speech can be portrayed in many ways, for this instance : art, social media (posts, blogs etc), and even on a podcast or the radio. Especially in today's world, there are so many ways to get our ideas out there. Freedom of speech can be underrated because many people are still afraid to share how they feel. Once people accept that their thoughts are allowed to roam freely, they can probably find a crowd of people who feel the same way about a particular something.

In the Article from the Times Republican  this photo is used :

Yet, another powerful image. Expressing yourself is not always easy. People have a hard time becoming truly themselves and that begins with self acceptance.

What I personally believe is the most important about this Amendment is that we are free to express ourselves free of government restrictions and subject to only reasonable limitations. We got our backs covered because everyone knows that to evolve, we must speak up. It is a principal that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear or retaliation, censorship or legal sanction.

As an experiment and to gain a consensus, I asked a few friends from home why Freedom of Speech is important to them and gathered some of the quotes:

Christina N. (19) - " Everyone has their own opinions and everyone should be able to voice their opinions. The more input you have from all people the more you can do so you should be able to say what you want."

Maria D. (20)"Freedom of speech is important to me because it allows me to truly speak what it is on my mind without fear. It allows everyone to freely express themselves and show who they truly are."

Stephanie B. (13) " I am actually learning about the Amendments in school right now. I learned that this in this one, the government is on your side for most of the circumstances. Since I am going to start high school next year, I think it is important that I learn to say and feel what I want so I can find people who are like me."

Tara M. (19) "As a singer, I love that in the back of my mind I can truly sing what my heart desires without having to worry about any consequences. When my thoughts and feelings come to my head they go directly to my paper."

With the response to my question, it is obvious many people are a fan of Freedom of Speech because they can be themselves.


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