Data Privacy Day with Zuckerberg

Starting the Decade by Giving You More Control Over Your Privacy

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Article Posted on January 28th, 2020 By Mark Zuckerberg, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Facebook

As we all are users of Social Media, I think it very important that people realize that we give out a lot of our personal information without even realizing it. Today is Data Privacy Day and Facebook establishes that they are making it their prioriy to create stronger privacy protections. There are 2.45 Billion users on Facebook as of the third quarter of 2019. There have been many alligations reguarding Facebook using your personal information. The Founder of Facebook and the writer of this article, Mark Zuckerberg, explains how they are giving users more control over their own privacy on and off of Facebook.

As users open up their Facebook page, they will be prompted and ecouraged to review their privacy information which allows users to adjust who can see their posts and profile information. Businesses send Facebook information about users activity on their sites and then they use that information to target you with specific ads. Users can now see a summary of that information and clear it if wanted. "Off- facebook activity marks and new level of transparency and control", therefore users can now use the tools available to stop this from happening. Lastly, Facebook created a 'Login Notification' to alert users when you use Facebook to sign into third-party apps to help them stay aware of how their account is being used.

Facebook has lost many users over the years as people were claiming that Facebook was using and giving out personal information that users thought would be confidential. Zuckerberg closes the article by saying "...strengtening your privacy controls (are) is so important. We'll have more to share as we continue to make progress on this important work in the decade ahead." Facebook does not want to lose any users as they earn a revenue of $21.08 Billion dollars according to Investor's Business Daily.

As there are thousands of social media users all over the world, we must remeber to protect our identity. Having your identity stolen or altered can undermine your reputation both publicly and professionally. You should always look into "weird" requests, and have knowledge about what/ how much information you are giving up. Your identity is unique. We control how much the world knows about us. Always be cautious when giving information because anyone with access to your personal data can commit cyber crimes.

Next time an app has a Terms and Conditions, read it. Next time your favorite app has a new update, download it. Next time an app asks you to update your privacy control, do it.


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